POPI Clause

The Processing of Personal Information Clause (POPI)

  1. The Supplier undertakes to process the personal information of the Consumer only in accordance with the condition of lawful processing as set out in terms of the POPI Act and in terms of the Suppliers’ relevant policy, available to the Consumer on request and only to the extent that it is necessary to discharge its obligations and perform its duty as a Supplier and within the framework of the relationship as is required by South African law.
  2. The Consumer acknowledges that the collection of personal information is both necessary and requisite as a legal obligation, which falls within the scope of execution of the legal function and obligations of the Supplier.
  3. The Consumer irrevocably and unconditionally agrees:
    1. That he/she is notified of the purpose and reason for the collection and processing of such personal information in so far as it relates to the Suppliers’ discharge of its obligations and to perform its function as a Supplier.
    2. That he/she consents and authorises the Supplier to undertake the collection, processing, and further processing of the Consumers’ personal information by the Supplier, for the purpose of securing and further facilitating the Consumer’s relationship with the Supplier. Without derogating from the generality of the aforementioned, the Consumer consents to the Supplier’s collection and processing of personal information pursuant to the Internet, E-mail and Interception Policies in place insofar as personal Information of the Consumer is contained in relevant electronic communications.
    3. To make available to the Supplier all necessary personal information required by the Supplier for purpose of securing and further facilitating the Consumer’s relationship with the Supplier.
    4. To absolve the Supplier from any liability in terms of the POPI Act for failing to obtain the Consumer’s consent or to notify the Consumer of the reason for the processing of any of the Consumer’s Personal Information.
    5. To the disclosure of his/her Private Information by the Supplier to any third party, where the Supplier has a legal or contractual duty to disclose such personal information. The Consumer further agree to the disclosure of his/her personal information for any reason, permitting the Supplier to carry out or comply with any business obligation the Supplier may have or to pursue a legitimate interest of the Supplier in order for the Supplier to perform its business on a day-to-day basis.
    6. To the extent that he/she is exposed to or insofar as personal information of other Consumers or third parties have been disclosed to him/her, the Consumer hereby agree to be bound by appropriate and legally binding confidentiality and non-usage obligations in relation to this personal information of third parties or Consumers.
    7. To consent and authorise the Supplier to transfer his/her private information outside of the Republic of South Africa for any legitimate business purpose of the Supplier. The Supplier undertakes not to transfer or disclose his/her private information unless it is required for its legitimate business requirements and shall comply strictly with legislative/statutory requirements and limitations in this regard.